Helpers Needed for Grade 9 Orientation Event in August
Posted on 06/19/2023
Hello Barrie North Community, 

Is your student looking for:
- a leadership opportunity? 
- something that would look great on a resume?
- a way to contribute to the Barrie North school community in a positive way?
- an opportunity to help incoming Gr. 9 students feel welcome at Barrie North?

If so, please encourage your child to sign up below to help with this year’s Gr. 9 Orientation event:
-Wednesday, August 30
-9:00am – 12:00 pm
- approximate 1 hr training session the day before on Tuesday, August 29th from 1:00-2:00 pm

Tentative Agenda:
- Welcome Assembly in main gym
- Principal address to parents (in cafeteria)
- Orientation games on the sports field led by student leaders
- Timetable distribution/lock purchase/ school tour for students to find their classes
- snacks/ BBQ

Sign up Here!

We look forward to your child helping with this event!

Barrie North Administration Team