Our Mathematics Department is committed to helping students learn and understand math fundamentals. We strive to show students how math applies in our daily lives—and how fun math can be. An understanding of math can help students make sense of the world around them. It's a requirement for various post-secondary options.

Ontario Curriculum, Mathematics

EQAO Math Results

EQAO Math Resources


MAT1LB Grade 9 Supported Mathematics
MAT1LL Mathematics, Locally Developed
MFM1P1 Foundations of Mathematics, Applied
MPM1D1 Principles of Mathematics, Academic
MPM1DG Principles of Mathematics, Academic (Gifted Cluster)
MAT2LL Mathematics, Locally Developed
MFM2P1 Foundations of Mathematics, Applied
MPM2D1 Principles of Mathematics, Academic
MPM2DG Principles of Mathematics, Academic (Gifted Cluster)
MBF3C1 Foundations for College Math, College
MCF3M1 Functions & Applications, Univ/College
MCR3U1 Functions, University
MEL3E1 Math for Work & Everyday Life, Workplace
MAP4C1 Foundations for College Math, College
MCT4C1 Mathematics for College Technology, College
MCV4U1 Calculus and Vectors, University
MDM4U1 Mathematics of Data Management, University
MEL4E1 Math for Work & Everyday Life, Workplace
MHF4U1 Advanced Functions, University